September 18, 2011

Magid Lens Cleaning Towelettes review

One nice thing about being single and living alone? I can eat meals or snacks anytime I like. Anywhere I like. And I like eating while working at the computer. I have no problem multitasking that way!

But I do have a problem with smears and splashes. No matter how careful you are, you're going to get something on your keyboard and/or computer screen. It's inevitable.

I also wear computer reading glasses (which I recently reviewed for Reading Glasses Shopper Online). They too get splashed and smeared with normal use. Keeping everything clean and clear used to be a chore, and I was always afraid that whatever product I used might actually do more damage than good!

That, at least, is no longer a problem since I found Magid Lens Cleaning Towelettes. The Magid Glove & Safety Manufacturing Company is America's leading manufacturer, importer, distributor and direct supplier of hand protection, protective clothing, first aid, and personal protective equipment.
I love their Lens Cleaning Towelettes! They come individually wrapped like those finger wet-nap thingies, 100 to a box. They are pre-moistened, anti-fog, anti-static, and can be used on glass, plastic or polycarbonate eyeglass lenses, safety goggles, and computer screens.
When I cleaned my computer reading glasses with one of the towelettes, I couldn't believe how crystal-clear they were after cleaning! And since the lenses are plastic, I was a little leery of using this new product on them, but I need not have worried. The towelette cleaned the glasses beautifully and left not a single streak or scratch behind.

Next I used one on my computer screen and was very satisfied with the results. The screen is completely clean and clear, no more smudges or splashes. I will definitely be keeping some of these individually packaged pre-moistened towelettes handy for cleaning both my computer reading glasses and my computer monitor screen.

And at a price of only $7.88 for a box of 100, this is a great deal. The shipping is a little high for ordering just one box for average consumer home use, but this is definitely a product you want to get your hands on, so be creative... How about combining orders with friends and relatives? A computer club? Sports club? Or maybe your employer could use these at work and would let you purchase a box at cost?

I can highly recommend the Magid Lens Cleaning Towelettes. They come in a sturdy convenient box with a handy hanger for hanging on the wall wherever a lens cleaner would be helpful.

{Disclosure: I received a sample for review. My opinions are my own. No monetary consideration was involved in any way.}


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